Friday, August 13, 2010

Carter - 3 Years Old
Audrey - 2 Years Old
Sophie - 9 Months Old
Carter and Audrey playing in the Yard
Sophie just finishing up her breakfast
Carter playing catch with Jen
Audrey on the Slide
Playing on the Slides
Sophie loves to swing

1 comment:

JaLesha said...

I forgot you aren't on Facebook anymore! I tried looking for you. Hahaha.
Your kids are DARLING!! I can't believe how much those new pictures of them look like you!! SOOOO cute!!
I wanted to tell you, I hung up your baby clothes in the closet today! :o) How big was Carter when was born? I was looking at those teeny newborn ones wondering if any of my kids would ever be able to wear them! ;o) (Konlan was 9lbs 3 ozs and grew like a weed! :o) Kase was 8 lbs. I guess we'll see what this one will end up at!!) Thanks again for them!!!